Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rising Above the Holiday Buzz-Kills

It's the most wonderful time of the year....yet some of us are cranky!  Holiday air travel is tricky enough without adding a naughty seatmate to the mix, so we've put some ideas together to help you keep your Christmas cool, and enjoy your flight!

1.    Board with your zone. Don’t cut people in line!  Many people who board first paid for the privilege, so it is only fair to honor it.

2.    Do a good deed. Will it really hurt to switch seats so a family can sit together? If they suggest you trade your aisle seat for their middle seat, use your best judgment. You’re sure to be on Santa’s “nice list” this year!

3.    Don’t give parents dirty stares. While you may pray the woman with the screaming baby doesn’t take the seat next to yours, she just might. If she does sit next to you, don't sulk. She knows her precious darling is making noise; she doesn’t need you to remind her.

4.    Middle seats get the armrest. Do you know anyone who likes to sit in the middle seat? Didn’t think so! Give those unlucky travelers the benefit of both armrests. You’ll survive with the armrest that’s dedicated to you.

5.    Check before you recline. Yes, it’s your right to recline, but wouldn’t it be nice to look behind you before you do? Give that traveler a chance to close his laptop before your seat crushes it.

6.    Let your neighbor sleep. Trying to catch up on your “long winter’s nap” can be tough during a flight. Leave it to the discretion of the stewardess to decide who gets a wake up nudge or who sleeps through the pretzels and orange juice call.

Let the spirit of the season be reason enough to take the high road as you travel.  Remember, everyone’s just trying to get to the presents and dinner table on time! 

This holiday season, make your free online parking reservation with Airways Parking and save!


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